Friday, February 8, 2008

I've had a lovely day today getting up to date with a few things. The sun was shining (for once) and I really should have been out getting to grips with some gardening but I put the radio on and settled down to some art. First out was the wherewithal to make some more sketchbooks/journals with some papers I did the other day.

Then I thought about the artwork I need to do for Oxfordshire Artweeks. I'm exhibiting with a friend here in the village in her lovely garden studio. She does beautiful mosaics and I'm working hard not to let her down too much with my exhibits. One of the things Oxfordshire Artweeks sent us recently was an empty CD case with the request that all artists exhibiting this year decorate the CD case (not a CD) with some art which will be exhibited at the Said Business School here in Oxford. Debbie's done her side and I've been rattling my brains trying to complement her work. Think I've managed and I'll post a copy when I'm really sure it's as finished as it's going to be.

A week or so back I got a lovely box from Chris of the UK Embellisher Group. Obviously I hadn't done my box to swap back with her, but I finally got around to it today. Hope she won't be too disappointed. (NB Hers is the lovely pink/blue one at the top).

1 comment:

liz said...

Love your traci bautista type stuff, looks really great. Thanks for all your hard work on UKEMBELLISHERSWAP.