Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where is the time going? I've been hectic with the 'day job' so haven't had time to blog, or even look to see what everyone else has been doing. I have managed to fit in some stitching though! I signed on some weeks ago to do Dale Rollerson's embellishing course which I'm very behind with but enjoying. Got piles of samples and ideas for things as you can see from the picture! That was only two weeks' lessons. I haven't had a chance to look at the others yet.

I've also been trying to get on with the commission I got at the end of Artweeks. I decided to go ahead and do as many pieces of art as I could in the colour scheme that went with my friend's kitchen curtains (Designer Guild) as hopefully the rest won't be wasted.
Finally, you might be interested to see my workroom mid-project! It's a little bit bigger than it looks in this picture, but everywhere things are piled up. Someone just lent me the Quilting Arts 'Studios' magazine. What I would give for some of those studios! Space, organisation, shelves, eye candy everywhere!! Mustn't complain though - I do have a room to work in and don't have to clear up all the time when I'm in the middle of something and the dinner needs cooking, I just close the door.

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