Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm having real problems with my computer which for some strange reason crashes when I try to use the internet but when I log on as my son (same computer!) is fine. However, despite all that, have managed to finish my bookwrap for Angie Hughes' bookwrap challenge at the Ledbury Artplace. I'm really pleased with it!

The book I chose was The Hobbit which is an old favourite of mine. Obviously it had to depict a dragon as well as the famous gold ring! So I painted some garden fleece black and gold and sewed it to some black velvet before using the heat gun on it. I wasn't too sure about it then so it sat around for a week or so before I embellished some black wool tops over it. Sort of like drifting fog I hoped. Atmospheric and black, that sort of thing.

I then cut out a dragon shape out of black velvet and bonded it over the background before machining over the whole shape. Then I cut strips of black velvet and hand sewed gold designs on it, hopefully looking like elvish writing. I copied these from the book.These strips were sewn on top and bottom, with some cords made on the machine alongside. I used the flower stitcher to make some gold felt circles to sew on the ends and then gold metal rings were attached as fastenings. The edges were sewn in rough shapes, intended as mountain ranges (or so I hoped). All in all I'm quite pleased and I'll get it in the post tomorrow. And now for some reason the computer won't let me put the picture on of the whole thing. I'm going to bed. Heh! Managed it - 5th attempt. Wasn't life simpler without computers?!


liz said...

It looks lovely:) I keep reading about garden fleece. What is it supposed to be used for? What does it feel like? I imagine something like wadding, is that right? (I don't have a garden, so these things are a mystery to me!)
Great book wrap anyway, it captures the mood well.

Amanda said...

Fleece is the alternative to nappy liners which I don't think you can get any more. It's white and light and keeps the plants warm! Not as thick as wadding, more like a white j cloth. Not too expensive either.

Genie said...

Agree with liz it is lovely, you can still by nappy liners in Boots.

Purple Missus said...

And so you should be pleased with it - I know I certainly would be. Its wonderful and very tactile.

Becky Mairi Farrell said...

This is beautiful, it must have taken you ages!