Friday, April 25, 2008

I haven't blogged for a while, what with a holiday last week and panicking about Oxfordshire Artweeks. But a friend and I are trying to set up a blog for our branch of the Embroiderers' Guild and I'm not sure it's going well. General opinion seems to be that it's easier to do a blog than a web page so that's what we're doing. But I'm not sure either of us is qualified - I still can't manage a respectable heading for my own blog; the picture is too big and the heading too small (not sure which)! Any ideas anyone? How do I reduce it?

We're also trying to think of other ways to open up the Guild to more people. I know from my own blogging that there are loads of people out there interested in all types of textiles, but I'm sure most of them don't belong to a branch. Is it the 'Embroiderers' Guild' name that puts people off? Have people not heard of it? Do they think they have to be of a certain standard to join? Any suggestions gratefully received.


Purple Missus said...

Hi Amanda. Susan at 'Art of Textiles' is very good at putting stuff on blogs and I know she would be willing to help you out if you get stuck.
As for the EG. I'm a member but not a Branch Member.The main reason being that the meetings are usually in the evenings, I work all day and by the time I get home and sorted its almost time for bed :)
Loads of stuff is done online nowadays, it would be great if each branch had a 'closed' web/blog page in which members who couldn't make the meetings could somehow participate, even if it only meant being informed of what is going on. Not sure that this would be possible but on the surface it seems like a good idea.

Becky Mairi Farrell said...

I'm not sure about the blog header but I got mine to be the right size by following the instructions in blogger help. Couldn't tell you how to do it now though,it had something to do with pixel ratio I think - but I know the help section did help me.

As for the EG, I always used to assume that it was about "traditional" embroidery. I know better now, partly thanks to you. But I certainly wouldn't consider myself even approaching good enough to consider joining. One day I may do the C&G, depending on where my art takes me, and what I do after my HND. If I did that I would join.