Had a great day on Sunday when I went to the AGM of an embroidery group I belong to. We've had an exhibition on in Abingdon Museum for the past few weeks which was very successful so we all toasted ourselves! We have a great AGM - everyone takes some food and we sit down round a large table, with tablecloths (I forgot the candles) and have a really good meal. Definitely not 'ladies that lunch'. I was also celebrating selling another picture!! It was one I did recently but which I don't seem to have blogged about! It was going to be part of my 'stock' ready for Artweeks.

Yesterday I received my bag swap through the post. This was organised by Lenna Andrews in the USA http://creativeswaps.blogspot.com/. I've been following on her website the bags she's received and was excited to receive two beauties. The one on the left is from Dawn Sellers and the one on the right from Linda Bean. Thank you to both of you - they're great! One of the things I love about the internet is that you can 'talk' to people all over the world. I e-mailed both Linda and Dawn to say thank you and heard back almost immediately from Dawn. She has a great blog http://www.dawnsellers.typepad.com/ and, like me, has signed up to do Lenna's White on White swap!
Apart from that excitement I'm hosting a swap on Remembrance Sunday for the Mixed Media ATC group and have remembered that I'm the only one whose cards I'm waiting for. Must get on with that today. I'm also playing with the remnants of the lovely wooltops I bought at Knitting and Stitching show - will put the pictures up in a few days if all works out as it should!