Thanks Carol-Ann for your comments; glad it's not just me worrying about the travelling books. Actually I'm really looking forward to them getting started, it's going to be great fun seeing how they're doing!
I've been playing with the idea for some time of applying to do the Diploma in Stitched Textiles at Windsor. I've never been tempted to do a degree course - too much research, when I really want to get on with the fun stuff. Need to talk to the other half, it's a big commitment.
Looking forward to a weekend getting down to some sewing. I also went to an art class on Wednesday, doing still life in charcoal. I really enjoyed it and felt quite proud of what I'd achieved. Took some photos the other day (when it was freezing) of things I saw on my walks with the dog. There's a house I often walk past on my way down to the river which seems to be lived in by an old type rag and bone man - there are piles of things left outside. Can be anything from old computers, to lots of fence posts and then the other day this amazing pile of old metal. There must be something I can do with a photo like this. I love the old Roses tin showing through the mattress.